Knowledge Model Editors#
Here, we can see a list of all knowledge model editors. Everyone with the data steward role assigned can see all the knowledge model editors.

List of knowledge model editors.#
We can use the search field to search for a specific KM editor. The editors are sorted by when they were last updated but we can change that.
We can create a new knowledge model editor by clicking the Create button.
By clicking the triple dots on each of the item in the list we can access some actions:
Open Editor - simply open the editor detail
Upgrade - if there is a newer version of parent knowledge model, we can use upgrade action to start a knowledge model migration, otherwise the action is not visible
Publish - to publish a new version of the knowledge model
Delete - to delete the knowledge model editor (cannot be undone)
If there is an ongoing knowledge model migration, there are different actions:
Continue migration
Cancel migration
The following video explains all aspects of Knowledge Model Editors.