Step: jinja#

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Renders requested Jinja2 template with document context and optionally other data.


If not used as a first step, then the previous document is available from document variable.


Results to a file of specified type (via content-type option) and file extension (via extension option).


  • template = path to template file to be rendered

  • content-type = MIME type of resulting file

  • extension = file extension for the produced file (without leading dot)


  • jinja-ext = comma-separated list of Jinja2 extensions to be enabled (supported values: debug)

  • i18n-dir = location (relative to template root) of translations

  • i18n-domain = domain string of translations

  • i18n-lang = language code used in the template

  • extras = comma-separated list of related entities to query in addition to Document Context (possible values: submissions, questionnaire); values will be added to extras attribute of the document context

Template (Jinja2)#


The following variables are set:

  • ctx = contains JSON-like plain Document Context (possibly with extras attribute, if configured)

  • secrets = dictionary of secret values, only if enabled by configuration file

  • requests = wrapper of requests module only if enabled by configuration file


Within Jinja templates, you can use so-called filters.Basically, those are functions applied to a first argument using pipe | symbol.

Builtin Filters#

There are several widely used builtin filters directly in Jinja.

Value Conversion#

We provide several filters that can be used for conversion of values:

  • datetime_format = Formats timestamp

    • Example: x.created_at|datetime_format("%d/%m/%y")

    • Arguments:

      • iso_timestamp - datetime or ISO 8601 str

      • fmt - datetime format passed to strftime

  • of_alphabet = Converts integer to characters

    • Example: x|of_alphabet

    • It prints a (for 0) to z and then continues with aa, ab, etc.

    • Arguments:

      • n - integer >= 0, usually some index

  • roman = Converts integer to Roman numeral

    • Example: x|roman

    • Arguments:

      • n - integer >= 0, usually some index

  • markdown = Converts markdown to HTML

    • Example: x|roman

    • Arguments:

      • md_text - string containing Markdown syntax

  • dot = Ends sentence if not already ended

    • Example: "This sentence has no end"|dot

    • Arguments:

      • text

  • extract = Extracts values from object by having keys

    • Example: entities.questions|extract([uuid1, uuid2, uuid3])

    • Arguments:

      • obj - object for getting values (typically dict)

      • keys - list of keys to retrieve

Reply Helpers#

These filters are handy when you need to work with repliesMap from the plain JSON-like context.

  • reply_path = Joins list of UUIDs into a path

    • Example: [uuid1, uuid2, uuid3]|reply_path

    • Arguments:

      • uuids - list of UUIDs

  • find_reply = Tries to find a reply value using a path

    • Example: replies|find_reply(path, "list")

    • Arguments: - replies - dict with replies - path - list of UUIDs or path-string - xtype (optional) - desired type of return value ("string", "int", "float", "list")

  • reply_str_value = Extracts string value from a reply if possible

    • Returns an empty string if not possible to extract it from the reply. Suitable for AnswerReply, StringReply and IntegrationReply.

    • Example: reply|reply_str_value

    • Arguments: - reply - object that might a reply

  • reply_int_value = Extracts integer value from a reply if possible

    • Returns zero if not possible to extract it from the reply. Suitable for StringReply with numeric value type.

    • Example: reply|reply_int_value

    • Arguments:

      • reply - object that might a reply

  • reply_float_value = Extracts float value from a reply if possible

    • Returns zero if not possible to extract it from the reply. Suitable for StringReply with numeric value type.

    • Example: reply|reply_float_value

    • Arguments:

      • reply - object that might a reply

  • reply_items = Extracts list of strings from a reply if possible

    • Returns empty list if not possible to extract it from the reply. Suitable for MultiChoiceReply and ItemListReply.

    • Example: reply|reply_items

    • Arguments:

      • reply - object that might a reply


These filters are more complex and add various support to template development.

  • to_context_obj = Converts plain context to well-defined objects

    • This filter is used for easier transition and might be removed in the future.

    • Arguments:

      • ctx - plain JSON-like document context


Within Jinja templates, you can use so-called tests. Basically, those are helpers usable in conditions after is keyword:

{% if loop.index is divisibleby 3 %}
    {# ... #}
{% endif %}

Builtin Tests#

There are several widely used builtin tests directly in Jinja.

Custom Tests#

  • not_empty = Checks if size of a collection is higher than 0

    • Example: items is not_empty

  • of_type = Checks if an object is instance of a certain type / class

    • The name must be a string; however, it is case-insensitive. It also checks all superclasses.

    • Example: parent is of_type "ListQuestion"


  • All paths (e.g. for import or extends in Jinja2 templates are relative from the template root, i.e. directory with template.json).

  • The do Jinja2 extension is enabled.

  • Using file extension .j2 or .jinja2 for templates is just a convention.

  • The document context is provided in ctx variable, other variables, filters, and tests are documented in other documents.


  "name" : "jinja",
  "options" : {
    "template" : "src/default.html.j2",
    "content-type" : "text/html",
    "extension" : "html"