Step: enrich-docx#

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Enrichment step for MS Word (docx) documents.


Gets a docx document as input.


Results in a docx document as input.


Options are used as a dictionary for rewrites with the following syntax:

  • Keys can be prefixed with:

    • rewrite: and followed by path of file to be rewritten

    • (currently there are no other prefixes then ``rewrite``)

  • Values can be prefixed with:

    • static: and followed by path to a file in a template; then it is used as-is to rewrite the original file in docx

    • render: and followed by path to a file in a template; then it is rendered first as jinja template with document context provided and result is used to rewrite the original file in docx


  • Internally, the step unpacks the provided docx file, makes adjustments on the level of internal XML (and other) files, and packs it back to docx.

  • To figure out what to rewrite, you should first generate the docx later used as input, unzip it and go through the contents.

  • A good way to adjust things is to put there some placeholder first (e.g. via reference.docx passed to pandoc) and then just adjust the placeholder with other / dynamic content.

  • Paths to files in a template are relative to template root, i.e. directory with template.json.

  • It does not matter if the file to be rewritten is missing in the docx, then the desired file is simply added.

  • The document context is provided in ctx variable, other variables, filters, and tests are documented in other documents (same as for jinja step).


  "name": "enrich-docx",
  "options": {
    "rewrite:word/footer1.xml": "static:src/docx/footer1.xml",
    "rewrite:word/header1.xml": "render:src/docx/header1.xml.j2"