FAIR Wizard User Guide#
The FAIR Wizard is an enterprise-ready and user-friendly application for creating Data Management Plans. It does not only provide all necessary tools for researchers and data stewards to create data management plans (DMPs) easily, efficiently, and in a FAIR manner, but it is a suite of tools to incorporate Data Management Planning process with needs of institutions.
Data stewards can easily capture the knowledge, including required project data and decisions in knowledge models that are then turned into per-project questionnaires to be filled by researchers. The questionnaires guide researchers through the process using recommendations, FAIR metrics indications, and only showing relevant questions based on previous answers.
Once the questionnaire is completed, a DMP can be easily generated using a selected template and output format. The document is then stored in FAIR Wizard for easy access and future reference. This is especially helpful because many funding agencies now require a DMP for their application process.
But the benefits of using FAIR Wizard go beyond just creating a DMP. Institutions can use FAIR Wizard to manage their Data Management Planning processes, using powerful tools provided within the FAIR Wizard. This includes advanced user management, custom integrations with data and more.
Structure of the Guide#
The guide sections are organized into three categories:
About contains an introduction to the FAIR Wizard and its content to gain quick insight into how it works at a high level.
Applications is structured the same way as FAIR Wizard’s applications menu, so it is easy to quickly find the relevant sections about how to use a specific part of the application:
Data Management Planner
Admin Center
Integration Hub
More contains all additional information related to FAIR Wizard, such as changelog or development of various extensions.
Here are some recommended sections where to start based on the role:
Researcher |
Data Steward |
Admin |
Introduction |
Introduction |
Introduction |
Applications |
Applications |
Applications |
Features |
Features |
Features |
More |
More |
Full Table of Contents