Document Template List#
As data stewards and admins, we can check and manage all document templates from the list accessible from the main menu via Document Templates. The list can be filtered and sorted by name.
For each document template, we can see the latest version present; however, we can see all the versions by accessing the Document Template Detail by clicking the name of the template or via View detail from the right dropdown item menu. The dropdown menu also offers Export of the latest document template or Delete of entire template (all its versions).
A document template can be deleted only if it is not used already for documents, projects, or settings.
Each item may be marked with unsupported metamodel when the document template is not compatible with the version of FAIR Wizard. Metamodel Schemas are used to define structures that developers can interact with. If the template originates from the FAIR Wizard Registry, update available will appear.
If your template is not from the registry, you will have to Publish a new version via template editor, which will increase the metamodel version automatically.
Finally, we can use Import new document templates by clicking the top right button (see Document Template Import for details).

List of all document templates with actions.#