As an administrator, we can view analytics of knowledge models. We can create and edit views by selecting from many different fields and see how our projects are doing. The view can be modified and save to be reviewed later. The data can also be exported to a CSV file.
New view can be created by clicking on the dropdown menu in the top right corner. Then by clicking on + Create a new view we open the view settings. We can give our view a name and select which fields we want to have in there. The view can be saved by clicking on Save. We can also delete the view by clicking on Delete.
Various fields have filters that can be used to narrow down the data.
We can also resize all rows height by clicking on the double arrow in the top left corner. If we want to edit width or height of individual cells, we can do it using drag-and-drop on the borders. Lastly we can edit how many rows are on the page by clicking on the Items per page dropdown menu.
The data of a view can be exported to a CSV file by clicking on Export CSV.
Don’t forget to click on Save icon after you are done with editing the view.
By clicking on the Knowledge Model id or name, we can open that Knowledge Model detail. If we choose to click on a certain version of a Knowledge Model, that versions detail will open.
The Knowledge Model details have four tabs. The Readme tab shows the exact information that we can see in the Knowledge Model Detail within the Data Management Planner. The Projects tab shows all Projects that are using the selected Knowledge Model. The KM Editors tab shows all Knowledge Model Editors that are using the selected Knowledge Model. Both of these tabs also display numbers next to them, representing the number of created Projects or Knowledge Model Editors.
Knowledge Model Editors created using this Knowledge Model.#
The last tab, Insights, is the most complex. It shows us detailed information for each question and answer, such as the number of times a certain question was displayed to users and how these questions were answered. If we are viewing details of a value question, we can use search functionality to find the value we are interested in.
Furthermore, we can also open various questions to see insights into how the Researchers are answering them.
Insights to usage of this Knowledge Model in Projects.#